Gabriel T. Oswald
This is Oswald. Gabriel Oswald. Gabriel THEODORE Oswald to you. If you ask him, he might tell stories of his escapades in Delaware, or he might just ignore you outright. Either way, he's always had a wire loose somewhere...
For all intents and purposes, that couldn't be closer to the truth. There was a time where he was fully aware as to what he is, an experimental combat droid designated to sport the Wild Card program.
The Wild Card program is a tool meant to confuse and bewilder those who come into contact with it, making the user totally and absolutely unpredictable.
On the date of [REDACTED] went entirely out of control and slaughtered staff on site over the inability to do a Russian jig. As a consequence, a personality module [AKA, Gabriel Theodore Oswald] built to contain the Wild Card program had to be installed; a form of control that not only dampened the program itself, but enabled the droid to be predictable to some degree.
A logic program dictates when Wild Card should be unlocked completely.