The man himself.

The man himself.
"Not a fan of getting shot at."
The Nomad
Being always on the move sucks, especially if you're in a world where shit hit the fan. Ryan has been on his own since he was twelve, ever since the big bomb dropped, and the world had dissolved into a decaying image of what it once was. He was doomed to walk the earth, and soon perish in its new wastelands. However, fate would have it that he encountered a kind, old traveler, a man that Ryan would come to know as both a close friend and teacher; Issac Abraham.
Under his watchful eye, Ryan deftly learned the Way of The Nomad; a style of living that would have him traveling more often than not to survive. He was taught a very effective form of close quarters combat, how to scavenge for his own materials, how to build items out of mere scraps, "and most importantly," Issac emphasized, how to shoot a rifle.
This relationship between the two went on for eight months, and despite how rough the times were, fighting for his life and scavenging for materials and food, Ryan found that he was enjoying the apocalypse with his mentor; his father figure.
But like all good things in the apocalypse, it had to come to an end; Ryan and Issac couldn't possibly see them coming, but they could damn well hear them tearing around when they got close.
Raiders, and apparently Raiders that had found some good loot, too! They were nothing but a swirl of dust in the desert expanse at first, leading both Ryan and Issac to believe them to be a mere dust devil, but the closer they got, the quicker they realized they could hear the roar of an engine, and soon, they could see the frame of their salvaged humvee; it was rusty and grey, without windows, and atop the vehicle was a manned, mounted gun. The men inside were sporting automatic weapons that nobody knew the name of anymore.
There wasn't any chance of escape, so the best thing Issac could do was have Ryan hide behind him as cover, while the two of them returned fire just as the mounted gun started to go off. Having lived and survived together for the amount of time that they had, Ryan and Issac took care of the threat as effectively as they could; the mounted gun went first, with a bullet through the shoulder. A spray of blood coming through the back of his mentor told Ryan that Issac had been hit, but he couldn't stop shooting now.
Next came the driver, whom of which was leaning out to the side of the vehicle and screaming curses and threats like a loon; Ryan got him between the eyes, causing him to yank the wheel to the left as he went tumbling out of the vehicle, and turn the humvee over. For a short moment, the gunfire stopped, and Issac went crumbling to his knees, causing Ryan to go to his side to make sure he was okay, but a stray bullet and a paff of dirt caught the boy's attention.
One of the raiders had climbed out the side of the turned humvee, and had probably only missed because he was still dazed from the impact; luckily, he had ran out of ammunition for the weapon, enabling Ryan to turn around and pelt him with metal until he dropped.
After looking around and making sure that everyone else was dead, Ryan hurried back to the dying Issac and tried to help him through his departure; in the end, there wasn't anything he could do. It was a lung shot. Issac was drowning in his own blood, and for just a boy losing another he considered to be family, this was traumatizing.
By the time the that the sun had finally set over the horizon, Ryan was still grieving for his fallen father figure. Twice now, had he lost the people he cared most for. Ryan shouldn't have experienced this at the young age that he did.
Since those horrible events occured, several years have passed and Ryan is now aged at twenty five years. His travels take him to many different lands, be them affected by the wastelands or not.