Freshly escaped from the lab, Nightfire finds himself in the streets of one of Earth's most prominent cities.
As of yet, the vulpine possesses the most basic of Evolved stuff, but his most prominent ability is to be able to use the extra sensory perception granted from the Virus as a means of hunting desired targets. Think of this like a Viral Sonar. The catch is, he needs to know what a person looks like, and must have come into contact at least once, via memory or in person; otherwise, he'll pick up any genetic frequency within a half mile. This can sometimes be overwhelming, and will sometimes cause him to black out.
Wall running - The jacket-clad fox can shift his center of mass to enable him to run up any vertical surface. Having just emerged from the lab, he's a little awkward at it.
Shape shifting (disguise) - Through consumption, he gains new forms and memories. This is useful for hiding in plain sight, getting away, and acquiring money via bank accounts. Yes, he does that. Not like the people he ate are going to use it anyways, am I right?
Shape shifting (combat) - While new to this, he can still transform his limbs somewhat. His primary combat form relies on metallic, dagger-like claws of a foot in length. However, he mainly relies on using his bare fists to do the talking, having not an inkling on how to use these yet. Think of them as a last-resort, or a hunting tool.
Unnatural strength - The Virus augmented the vulpine's muscles and reflexes exponentially, to the point that if he wanted to land a punch on someone without killing them (a normal person, anyways), he'd need to pull his punch greatly. This also affects his running speed and jumping height, which will both increase at a later time. Currently, he's a little faster than an Olympic sprinter, and can jump ten feet into the air.
Unnatural durability - In order to compensate the massive muscle and reflex growth, the Virus hardened both his dermal layer, internal organs, and bones. This makes it so that if he performs an act of epic strength (i.e lift a car over his head and chuck it), he doesn't break himself. His bones are nigh unbreakable, while his outer body is incredibly hard to breach. This provides an explanation to the ability to drop from a very high place and walk away unscathed, as well as be hit by a truck and continue to be fine. This also affects his endurance for pain, and stamina. While his pain threshold has become lower than normal, his stamina is off the charts, which makes him seem as if he can run forever.
Fast healing - Through the manipulation of biomass, whether the Virus does this on its own, or he concentrates on this, (the former takes a longer time, and requires Nightfire to not take damage for an extended period of time. The second form requires intense concentration, and can sometimes be detrimental in combat) he can recover from otherwise fatal injuries or what can be considered a paper cut. He can also regrow limbs, organs, and his head.
Warning: attributes and abilities are subject to change at later periods of time, either by discovery, acquisition, or evolution.